| After you register and log in to the system, you can see the texts that
stored in the site, the system is also write your users "level" «regular
login marked as "User"». now you need to find the hint in the source,
and see the database, by looking at the lines you need to understand
how the system are stored the information about the names, the
passwords and the users levels.
What are you need to do is kind of data injection, look at the Zorders
user line, look at yours, its not so hard to understand how the input
need to be to get administrators level. after you got administrator
access you can not just read the texts, you can aslo edit them.
You'r mission is to delete all the files. but you have'nt a FTP access, so
you can't delete the files, but you can clear them and got a same affect.
ok, now you must to celar the logs file, try to think where them can be,
«hint: you can know the path to the logs file by looking at the users.txts
after you find the log files, all you need to do is find the way to clear them
and.. walla! you finished one more mission! :) |