
Oh, boy, virtual memory! Now Im gonna make myself a really big RAMdisk!- Unknown

Fixed: Forum FireFox bugs.

We fixed some problem in the forum that FireFox
users complained about them.

If you bump into more dripping or things like that
please tell us!

ooommooo oooommooo -ds::sd- :oooyNyooo:
md `Ms mh dm /M: -syssy+ osssys. `d+ossh/:ossh/
md `Ms .Mo sM. /M: -Ns...-mo `..--ym `My` `/Ms` `/M.
md `Ms .Ms yN` /M: oMsooooso .yyo++yM` `M/ .M: -M-
md `Ms ym. .Ny /M: :Ns` `` oN. `hM` `M/ .M: -M-
yy `d+ `oyssy+` :d- -sysoss: .syooood `d: `d- .d-
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By:cp77fk4r, Date:15/10/2008
;) [maybe in the HE ver' my art will lost :P]
By:trollmind, Date:14/11/2008
Hi, When i get to the forun with firefox 3 i get this: Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in D:\webppliance\conf\domains\trythis0necom\Inetpub\wwwroot\forum\forum.php on line 99 Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in D:\webppliance\conf\domains\trythis0necom\Inetpub\wwwroot\forum\forum.php on line 101 Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in D:\webppliance\conf\domains\trythis0necom\Inetpub\wwwroot\forum\forum.php on line 105
By:cp77fk4r, Date:14/11/2008
ill check it.
By:trollmind, Date:16/11/2008
Hi, Now i can see the forum cool in firefox 3! :) Best Regards.
By:cp77fk4r, Date:18/11/2008
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